:: Ecology

Freshwater fish decimated since 1970

The earth’s waters have lost more than three-quarters of its migratory fish freshwater species since 1970. The freshwater fish species in Europe have been hit the hardest, however, the data used from the Living Planet Index project lacked sufficient data for Africa, Asia, Oceania and South America. Human activity, including the creation of dams, culverts …

:: Ecology

Wildlife trafficking rife in Brazil

Criminal networks poach millions of birds, tropical fish, turtles and mammals from the Brazilian Amazon region. The animals, many endangered, end up being traded domestically or internationally. The worst is the smuggling of river turtle eggs, despite international trade in all Amazon river turtles and land tortoises being regulated under the Convention on International Trade …

:: Health

Coronavirus causes heart damage

Heart researchers have found scar tissue on the hearts of people recovered from COVID-19. The patients aged between 43 and 55 and had no previously known health problems. No significant difference was found between people convalescing at home or in the hospital. In the long term, scar tissue on the heart can lead to heart …