earthworm wikimedia
:: Ecology :: English Articles New Zealand Aotearoa Correspondent

Their lovemaking is a true feat of multitasking – Aotearoa/New Zealand’s shy but crucial native earthworm

Spotting an outsized earthworm slithering over my patio ignited my instant interest in this critter, its origins and its life. To my surprise, I forgot about my breakfast. I felt a biological hunger instead. Darwin, here I come. At the time of this exclamation, I did not know Charles Darwin actually wrote an entire book …

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern 2019
:: English Articles :: Health Medium New Zealand Aotearoa Correspondent

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern Shares Her Strategies for Mental Health and Self-care

When it comes to staying sane, focused and efficient, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern knows what to do. But she admits it took her a long time to realize you don’t need to feel guilty when taking the space and time to look after yourself and your mental health. “When we’re in a responsible role, we …